Help to Face the Day


O God, I woke up this morning, saw the time, but didn't want to get up, didn't want to face the day.
What do I have to face today, what will be required of me, who will want a piece of me, what can I expect?
It's nice and warm in bed ( at least I have a bed ), I need a bit longer, time to gather myself,  time to put a good face on.
O God, how long will this struggle go on, we need help, we need to feel safe, we need friends and family, but we can't see them. Lord, have mercy on us!
Help us to face the day, help us to have patience with each other, to encourage each other and not find fault.
Please lift our spirits and give us courage and strength and motivation to do our best to help ourselves and each other.
Help us to think clearly, and resolve not to be ' go it alone ' people, but bring our hopes, fears, joys and sorrows to you, knowing you will listen and reach out to us.

Thank You.



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