Prayer from Irene

Hello everyone, thank you for your prayers for me and my family. They are much appreciated. I share this prayer with you.

Heavenly Father, we come before you today thanking you for the privilege of coming freely to your throne of grace. We come with our Joy's and our sorrows, the best and worst of times. We come too in this moment but also with our tomorrows and what lies ahead. We come with our fears, our failures, but also our dreams and our Hope's.

Lord, we thank you that you see our tears that often flow in secret, for the broken times, for our moments of elation, as well as the troubled times. You see our disappointments, our regrets, you hear our longings and prayers. Lord Jesus, thank you that we can bring the burdens of the day, the weaknessess of our bodies, our nights of doubts and worry, when sleep evades us.

Lord God, thank you that you give us our much needed reassurance, the will to go on, or to start again, and the strength and endurance to fight and win. Thank You For Jesus, thank you that He not only died for us, and rose again, but He stands for us, loves us, forgives us, and accepts us as we are. For all this we have Jesus. Amen.

The Lord Bless You All. Irene

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